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Sunday, December 9, 2018

komprensaun kona-ba zentyal OS

zentyal hanesan sistema operasaun ida ne'ebe mak foku liu ba servidor hotu-hotu, no utilizasaun free ba ema hotu ne'ebe integra iha fatin ida,
Zentyal hanesan Linux Server ida, ou sai mos hanesan Negosiu Ki'ik ida ne’ebe ajuda ita, ho kapasidade atu jere servisu integradu rede hotu-hotu kona-ba plataforma ida. Zentyal fornese Rede Odamatan, infra-Estrutura nian, UAN (Unidade Ameasa Nian), servidór ba eskritóriu no Server Komunikasaun.

      Karakterístika hotu-hotu mak integradu no fasil atu configurasaun liu husi GUI no hafasil tempu ba ita atu kria. 

Antes zentyal, instalasaun opensource (uluk naran Ebox) ba Server Negósiu Ki'ik, Zentyal prontu ona ho webui ne’ebé halo fasil liu tan atu jere servidór. Ho ida-ne'e webui, uzuáriu ne'e define mínimu tebes ne’ebé uza ba console / terminál.

    Hanesan dezenvolvimentu zentyal agora sai hanesan OS, Zentyal OS mak derivative ida kona-ba Ubuntu. Tan neʼe, ba maluk sira neʼebé toman utiliza Linux ou ubuntu entaun fasil tebes ba sira.

    Karakterístika Zentyal mak hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

  • Networking 
Firewall and routing 
NAT and port redirections 
VLAN 802.1Q 
Support for multiple PPPoE and DHCP gateways 
Multi-gateway rules, load balancing and automatic failover 
Traffic shaping (with application layer support) 
Graphical traffic rate monitoring 
Network intrusion detection system 
Dynamic DNS client

  • Network infrastructure 
DHCP server 
NTP server 
DNS server 
Dynamic updates via DHCP 
RADIUS server

  • VPN support 
Dynamic routes autoconfiguration

  • HTTP proxy 
Internet cache 
User authentication 
Content filtering (with categorized lists) – only in a pay version 
Transparent antivirus 
Delay pools

  • Intrusion Detection System 
Mail Server 
Virtual domains 
SIEVE support 
External account retrieval 
POP3 and IMAP with SSL/TLS 
Spam and antivirus filtering 
Greylisting, blacklisting, whitelisting 
Transparent POP3 proxy filter 
Catch-all account

  • Webmail 
Web server 
Virtual hosts 
Certification authority 
Centralized users and groups management 
Master/slave support
  • Windows Active Directory Synchronization 
Windows PDC 
Password policies 
Support for Windows 7 clients 

  • Network resource sharing 
File server 
Recycle bin 
Print server 
Groupware: calendar, address book, webmail, wiki, etc. 

  • VoIP server 
Conference rooms 
Calls through an external provider 
Call transfers 
Call parking 
Music on hold 

  • Jabber/XMPP server 
Conference rooms 
Zentyal User Corner for self users info updating 

  • Reporting and monitoring 
Dashboard for centralized service information 
Monitor CPU, load, disk space, thermal, memory 
Disk usage and RAID status 
Summarized and full system reports 
Event notification via mail, RSS or Jabber 
Software updates 
Backups (configuration and remote data backup)